Sunday, October 17, 2010

Giving Back

Ribbon was free at cosmetic counter in a department store, I picked up seven, one for everyday

   So I was in Topanga mall the other day and I stumbled upon a store I had never seen before, I think it was a children's clothing store before. I saw one young black girl, I almost walked right pass it until I saw another black girl. So I took a small detour into the shop. What I discovered was a cute shop filled with organic home, hair and body products. Green Bodee (website is under construction) had some fab soaps, and hair care products.  I browsed the store a bit and noticed a black man in the backroom, my curiosity got the best of me so inquired, "Is this a black owned business?", I asked. "Yes" was the answer I got.  I knew then I had to help stimulate the economy and recycle our black dollars.    
Green Bodee
So I looked around for something to purchase, I settled for a home fragrance item.  It was this solid oil thingy that melts in an oil burner (sorry don't remember the name). I'm so sad to say that it didn't work, I've been burning it all day and sad to say no wonderful smells came out!   Nonetheless, there were some great smelling soaps and hair products, so I will return to let them redeem themselves. They've only been open three weeks so they get a pass. So I continue running my errands for the day and making my bi-weekly run to Target. I'm selecting my items and of course I hit up the cosmetic aisle! I skimmed the shelves and saw a few products that supported breast cancer.  For those that don't know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I discovered this super cute brush set. Now I said to my self, "Self, you do not need another brush set!".  I thought about it for like two seconds and bought it because it was for  a good cause, 15% of the purchase price goes to BCRF (Breast Cancer Research Fund).  Plus it's a great travel item and I won't have to pack my good brushes. Then I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few more things and I found this T-shirt by Hanes.

Sonia Kashuk $12.99
Hanes $6
Hanes is supporting Susan G. Komen for the Cure donating $500,00 this year. Who can't use a basic tee? And with such a great cause I couldn't resist. Wrapping up my day I then had to go to the grocery store. Now we all know that I'm on a "strict diet", so I made sure yogurt was on my list!  And what did I find? Yet another way for me to give back today.  Yoplait wants you to send in your (clean) lids and they will donate 10 cents per lid up to $1.6 million to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.  Wow I really  made a difference today,cancer is such an ugly disease that has taken many friends and especially family away from me.  Twenty of my hard earned dollars were spent making real change (no pun intended), and I did so all while stayin' within my budget!

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